1. moved to San Francisco
2. eaten a lot and drank a lot
3. gained 10 lbs
4. seen everything change at work
5. seen everything change at work again. Today.
6. ended 3-day-old diet to eliminate 10 lbs in order to drink in the daytime on a bocce ball court. Today
As of tomorrow, I have a new boss, new clients, new everything. I've never met my boss before and I'm apprehensive - I haven't heard anything bad about this new person, but nothing good about her either. And, once again, I'm reporting to a woman. *Sigh.* Despite his faults, it was good to have a male boss for a bit. Sometimes women just don't like me. Must be the boobs?
The main issue with this woman is that she is a level down from old boss, so I'm a bit worried that I'm going to be relegated to shit work again for the next year. I'm not opposed to shit work as a general thing, but I am opposed to the fact that those who do shit work are expected to be on call 24/7 to accomplish said shit work at a moment's notice, and I'm sorry, but I'm not doing that again, at least when it comes to HR shit work. That stuff doesn't mean enough to me anymore to put my life/sleep pattern/TV schedule on hold for it. If I leave and go to a new industry/team/life, then, yes, I will start over at the bottom of the totem pole and will expect to be accountable for all things at all times, but I haven't been promoted twice in three years to regress two steps backward now at this company and in this role by making fucking HR decks no one will read at 1 am on a Tuesday.
I dunno, I guess part of me feels like I royally fucked myself over by moving to SF. I undoubtedly would have been given a very different role today had I remained in NY, likely a meatier one. That combined with the gaining of the Ten Pounds of Shame makes me worry that I made the wrong decision this summer. Then again, would I really be happier in NY right now? I would probably still have roommates (UGH DEATH) and still be sitting with some toxic people at work. I don't know, I'm almost home on the shuttle and am going to go for a run to clear my head. Maybe things will make more sense later.