Once again, I'm a 31dayreset delinquent, but not so far behind this time. I think it might have something to do with when I get my emails (I signed up in the evening, so I receive my emails around 8 pm every night, when I'm usually doing something like eating, working out, or watching TV. Then I go to bed before even looking at it.). I'm going to tackle Day 5 below in a bit, but first, an amazing and thrilling LIFE UPDATE!
Ok, so it's not that great, but I am, dare I say, quite pleased with myself: today, I went to the local gym around the corner and signed up for a membership and THIRTY personal training sessions! I actually owe the reset for finally inspiring me to take this step - I was reading through my Life Assessment and just couldn't get over the Health section and how difficult it was for me to come up with one thing I actually liked about my current physical and mental well-being. I mean, I'm 26 years old! I didn't intend to feel this shitty about my health until I was at least 50. Now, however, I'm hoping to start down a path to NEVER feeling this shitty about my health again until I am dead and rotting in the ground or ashes (undecided as to how I'm going to that part still).
I've always been interested in hiring a personal trainer but was always put off by the cost, the time commitment, the blah blah blah...I had a lot of excuses. But you know what? Cost is not a barrier, really - if I have the money to go out and buy several $12 cocktails a couple times a week, I think I can afford to skip some of those and reinvest that cash into my health. And what is a bit of money and time compared to not feeling like a giant lumbering out-of-breath whale-person all the time? Now, I know that the 1.2 of you who read this/know me are going to be all like, "You are not a whale! And anyways, size doesn't matter and you are a perfect sunshine flower child!" And I thank you in advance for your support LOL. Regardless, the truth is that I feel like shit and feel like I look like shit (relative to how I used to look, anyways). But today, I'm excited because I am able to admit to myself that being healthy (and, yes, in my case getting healthy mostly means losing a significant amount of weight) is key to my happiness and mental health. Though I haven't lost a pound, taking that step already makes me feel more positive about myself, work, and the future.
In other news, one of my best friends from college (Indian Doctor Girl, who also happens to be my Indian Engineer Roommate's fiance) is in town and it's AWESOME. (Side note - I'm going to have to develop a dramatis personae of my friends and family for this blog - that should be fun! Consider the Indians here the first two characters:)) Last night, we went out to dinner with some folks (including @kh8rhymeswith) and then consumed some of those aforementioned $12 cocktails and got very, very, very...tipsy. Hilarity ensued and let's just say I'll never think of the word "chutney" the same way ever again...
Finally, it's time to stop procrastinating and tackle Day 5 of the reset - writing my personal mission statement. Here goes:
I believe in having the power to direct my own life without fear or self-consciousness. I will direct my life so that it has tangible positive impact on for my family, friends, colleagues, and society. I believe in enjoying my life while constantly trying to improve it. I will take care of myself, both physically and mentally, so that I can better influence and take care of others for my own good and for theirs. I will create on a daily basis and attempt to enjoy the creative process while also moving toward larger creative goals and gaining recognition. I value having a comfortable space to live in and share with family and friends, while also reserving time for myself. I will not cease to be silly or irreverant, and will never allow a false sense of "respect" for certain social norms prevent me from being myself or from loving the geeky, crazy, Nick Cage-related things that I love. I will sing every day, and dance when I feel like it. I will love my family but not hide behind them; I will be my own person and make decisions for me first without regard to an over-developed sense of duty. I will continue to watch all vampire-related TV shows and love them. I will cry when I need to and will not feel guilty. I will be the best and happiest person I can be.
Wow, that was a lot. And kind of weird. I like it, HA!
In any case, hope to post again tomorrow! In the meantime, enjoy (and stay warm, those of you freezing with me on the East Coast!).
Go jazzgirl go! -Charlie