I have spent the last couple of days dealing with the ridiculously freezing temperatures in NYC and a lovely cold o'death that has taken over my nasal passages, lungs, and throat the last few days. Really inconvenient timing as we have a big week at work, especially tomorrow - my boss and I have to give a presentation on career development and then we all meet with our VP to talk about Q1 accomplishments (personally, I think it's an accomplishment that we're all still alive at this point) and Q2 goals (again, I think remaining among the living is something to shoot for). Suffice it to say, getting the Death Blargh (as one of my fave bloggers calls it) this week was not the best thing that could have happened.
The good news is, the cold didn't really set in until after my first personal training session yesterday morning. I was proud of myself for getting through it, though I was less proud when, at the end, Rob the Trainer told me that the session was the "warm up" and he had taken it pretty easy on me. I was sweating like a pig DURING THE STRETCHING. Every single muscle in my body hurts today! Friday morning is going to be very interesting. But, hey, I asked for it. And am paying a ridiculous amount of money for it. So, good to know I'm getting my shit-ton of money's worth!
Due to these circumstances, I am once again behind on the 31dayreset, heh. All who are shocked, raise your virtual hands. That's what I thought. The latest assignment I've actually completed is a map of my life as I want it to be (see image above). The most relevant "aha" moment to come out of this is that I think I really do want children. I've been wavering about this for a while but I think that, like most people, I want to be a parent someday. Not a day TOO close to the present, but someday. Other than that, honestly, I think the map is mostly a rehash of previous assignments - I'm not too certain it's the most vital assignment so far. However, it is nice to have it represented visually, I suppose.
And now for something completely different: in honor of Keith Olbermann's ousting from MSNBC, I would now like to add a special comment on an entirely different topic: Oscar nominations.
Oscar people, you have got to give me a fucking break. I have some real problems with some of this shit. My first problem is that Christopher Nolan does not get a directing nod. Did you not SEE the movie? Were you asleep? Were your cats scheduled for surgery and you got distracted? COME ON.
My second gripe: Ten Best Picture nominations? Really? Do we need that? And if we're going to have ten of them, does The Kids Are All Right really have to be included?? I'm sorry, but that movie was the most boring average family "dramedy" I have seen in years, and it was not made more interesting or amusing by dint of the parents being lesbians. Like, how many cliches can we fit into one film? Workaholic/alcoholic control-freak parent? Check. Insecure and funemployed other parent who is searching for meaning and self-esteem outside a strained marriage? Check. Two siblings, one Type A and the other seriously in need of an attitude check, dealing with the normal challenges of growing up? Check. New parental figure/romantic interest introduced into their lives who shakes things up for a bit, and a nice reconciliation at the end? Check, and check. The result? 5,000 other movies like this. Why it's nominated for an Oscar? Because...the parents are lesbians and therefore...more...interesting? Blurgh blargh ugh.
So, I guess I apologize to anyone reading this who thought the movie rocked, but I was so bored by it and had an irrationally negative reaction to it getting on that list lol. Also, I didn't see 127 Hours but I object to its nomination on the basis that watching a guy remove his own arm while trapped in a cave is gross and I don't want to see that shit.
With that, Happy Tuesday! ;)
Nice life map (-: Good job on answering the children question; I still haven't!
ReplyDeleteAgreed with your Oscar frustration, though I haven't seen The Kids Are All Right. Inception was the best live action film I saw this year, so what the hell? I agree that 10 best picture nominations is nonsensical and I guess your Kids Are All Right is my Social Network. While I did enjoy the movie, and love Aaron Sorkin for his writing, why are there acting nominations for that one? And best picture? Nope. Not impressed.