So, tonight I finally had date #2 with Fun Guy. It was, as promised by his moniker, fun. I had as good a time as I did on the first date, which, given most second dates, was remarkable. My one hang-up is that I'm just not sure I'm attracted to him, like, at all. It's not that he's unattractive, he just reminds me a LOT of my brother, but (and I mean this in the nicest way possible) more effeminate. So, brotherly and not super-manly. Not the most potent combo. That being said, it's only been two dates, so I am going to go out with him again (likely to a movie next weekend) and we'll see how that goes...
In life, I've finally come out of the closet to my boss and all my coworkers about (gasp!) applying to two new roles outside my current job - both of which are in MTV/SF! I had a long talk with my mom this evening after my date about the whole thing. We talked about NY and SF and how my overall health, well being, and happiness have been in both cities. Objectively, we couldn't avoid the truth: in SF, I was healthier and had a wider, more diverse friend group. I met more guys in an organic (read: not online dating) way, and the commute, while shitty, was not as problematic as a.) my job content at the time, and b.) my roommates at the time - the two factors that truly made me miserable there. My goal now is, regardless of my city of residence, to have my own place within the next 3-6 months, and to have a job I enjoy somewhat (and which doesn't involve the endless stress of clients yelling at you for stupid perf shit that is entirely out of your control). Looking at the choices at my company, the roles I've found in SF are perfect - and there are simply not really any NY-based roles available. A year ago, I wouldn't have been qualified for them, but now I have the experience and confidence to perform them well as well as the SENIORITY to actually be considered - shocking, I know! In other words, I'm excited, though nothing's been decided yet. I still am trying to enjoy the moment per my earlier post this week, but I have to say having some change to look forward to is nice.
My one potential loss is being near to my immediate family and friends here on the east coast should I move :( The good news is, though, that I make more $$ than I did 3 years ago, so somewhat frequent travel is much more do-able now than it was before, which is nice. Also, my brother is likely remaining in CA after graduation, and my uncle and his family are there, so it's not like I don't have family there, too.
The upshot is, despite a couple of bouts of an extremely upset stomach (story of my damned life), it's a good week. To keep the karma going, I'm now going to go listen to some nature sounds. YES, NATURE SOUNDS. Deal with it. And enjoy the picture.
<3 <3
Such a happy post! I'm excited to hear about the jobs tonight!